Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Fathfulness of God

When I thought about what I want to write about, I was unsure of what to start with. A lot of what I write recently has been daily journals of where I’m emotionally/mentally, what I’m learning and the work that God is doing. So I thought I would start with how I got this job that I currently work at. It was in this job that God really raise me up as a son and as a man.

Before I jump into it, I have to give a little bit of background.. Years ago, I said I would never work a manual labor job. I didn’t see it at the time, but I had several core beliefs that were driving my away from working with my hands and telling me that I wasn’t qualified for that work. Interestingly enough, God allowed me to work in those types of jobs. In 2016, I started working as an electrician’s apprentice. About a year into it, I just about had it. I actually didn’t realize that I picked a physical labor job until that moment. I absolutely hated it the entire time. I said “this was not for me,” “I’m not capable of doing these tasks,” “I was not built physically for this.”

I started looking for other jobs. I applied at several places and went through 1 or 2 interviews and heard nothing back. I was in shock because I was actually good at getting hired. At that moment, I finally stopped and said, “God, what are you doing?” Well, that was the second reaction I had. My first reaction was “God, this job sucks, get me out of it!” And what would a loving father do for his son. Help him find a job that he enjoys or can thrive at, right? Nope. He told me that it wasn’t the job that sucked, it was my character. Oh, how much I love being corrected. Not really. But that brought clarity to why there was so much anger and hatred going on. Instead of continuing to look for another job, I pressed on and allowed God to work in me through it. It was painful. There were moments when I wanted to quit. Somewhere in the ballpark number of 100 or more. Just a few. There were moments when I would throw my tools. There were moments when I would blow up at work and walk away to get a breather. I should have been fired multiple times. My boss showed kindness to me and helped me to take the space necessary when I would get to those moments.

I needed a father in my life to guide me through these hard moments. God continued to pursue me and show me that He was that father I was looking for. There were countless times I pulled the fatherless card. A lot of those times were out of pure hurt and desire to talk to a male figure to show me how to press forward. Some of those times were out of being a victim and it was nice to pull that card a lot. If you’re the victim, it’s not your fault. It’s someone else’s every time. God showed me how to get out of that mindset and heart set. He showed me how to come to Him in those moments and recognize that He IS FOR ME, not against!

About 6 months before I left the electrical company, I was really struggling with the work itself. God has brought me through so much at this point. He built my character up more than I could ever dream of! But I am an extrovert. I found myself working alone half the time and I felt miserable. I had a serious need to engaged with people. I loved having moments with God but there’s a point where I need to engaged and pour into people. That’s why I don’t understand introverts. They have this need to recharge alone. Although I do that, I go completely insane when I spend too much time alone. End of bunny trail. Those 6 months I was still an electrician, I continued to pray, God get me out but your will be done. The last 2 months, my prayer changed. GOD, GET ME OUT, period. It wasn’t a sweet Jesus moment where in one of His darkest moments, He still prayed thy will be done. I was in extreme heartache from this environment. That doesn’t justify my prayer changing to “just get my out.” Pain is a difficult thing to steward well.

One random day, I end up picking up my best friend from the airport as she was flying in from Texas to be at her mother’s surprise party. I was invited to the party as well so I popped in for a little bit. When her mom came in, she was super excited and surprised by all the family and friends and then flipped when she saw her daughter from Texas. I loved witnessing those moments. At one point, she came over and said how to me and ask how I liked my job. I explained some of the details in a lighter context and in the conversation, she ask if I was looking for a job and I heard the word “sales” in there. I told her I might be interested. I usually will look into any opportunity and pray about it.

A week later, she reaches out to me and we end up setting up an interview on an evening after work. By the time I was interviewed, I felt lost, still working as an electrician. Maybe God has me in this miserable electrical job for the rest of my life. Maybe God’s hope and future for me was already what I was doing and I just need to change my perspective or grip. Maybe God doesn’t have all of that. Maybe I’m too far gone to even get a decent job and have a good life. My self confidence was at 0. I didn’t even know what confidence was anymore. I walked into the interview with uncertainty if this was God. 15 minutes into it, I found out that they (husband and wife who are the owners) were looking to fill a technician position for roofing and restoration (mostly outdoor work). Oh great, this was definitely not God. I had fear immediately creep in. “I can’t work outside when it’s cold.” “I can’t work late hours again, I’ve done that before and it was horrible.” “How will I survive if I don’t eat dinner on the longer shifts” “I can’t. This is impossible.” As I’m thinking these things, my body starts to shut down. My stomach starts to freak out. I was in discomfort coming in and at the point, my body starts to go deeper into that. It’s amazing how our body will react to the thoughts and beliefs that we have. I brought up that I thought this interview was for a sales position. They asked me why I thought that. Come to find out that our previous conversation was her mentioning that I did Cutco sales before and I must have mixed that up with offering a job position. Sometimes, we place our mind in a position to hear only what we want to hear. Since I was in a hard season, I wanted to hear the words, job, sales, full time, working with or around people. I had already tuned my mind to hear those words.

Half way during the interview, they (the couple that owns the business) asked me to step out so that they can talk. When I came back in, they mentioned that they do eventually need a salesmen and couldn’t offer it completely at the time. That meant that I would have to work as a tech first and work my way into sales. I told them that I am willing to try that out. I was ready to jump ship from my other job but, out of wisdom, they offered me to work 2 days a week to try it out before jumping all in and finding out that it might not be a good fit. I think it was 2 weeks later when I first started working with them. After several weeks, I realized that some of my core beliefs deep down were false. I can work out in the cold. I can make it through on longer days. I can actually enjoy working around these people doing these projects.

I started in the beginning of winter so I experienced days when it was 20 degrees and below without the wind. The real feel on the worst day was 13 I think. That specific day, I was on a ladder that was positioned right next to the railing of a deck. The ladder was 12ish feet up to get the top of the house and the deck was maybe 12 feet above the ground with a total of about 25 foot drop. Did I mention that it was windy? Oh, and that I am scarcely afraid of heights? Yeah! I tried going up several times to paint this spot that caused me to reach a little bit. That made me look down and get height sickness. If I had fallen (which was not likely. I was just very fearful at this point), I would have been massively injured or worse. It was about a 25 foot fall to the ground. I even came back down TWICE to tell my supervisor that I couldn’t paint the spot because it was out of reach. It’s also too far up for my comfort. And twice, he told me to go back up and do it. This was either my first or second week on the job. Welcome to roofing and restoration, right?? I didn’t like my supervisor after that experience.

There were several more of those experiences where I felt incapable or uncertain on how to overcame obstacles. In case you didn’t know (because I didn’t at the time), every house is different, thus every job is different which means every day is different. At first, it seemed like every day was a new challenge. Before, that brought excitement to me. But after some time, it became frustrating. Side note: as a company, you try to track down the time it takes to do a certain task for estimate/price purposes. Because of where the company was at in adding more projects like windows, gutters, siding, and misc stuff, it was a constant learning process and just about everything was taking up more time than expected. We would have several jobs lined up in a day but we were thrown off schedule so much because we were doing something new and it just took time. Though it was a frustrating season, seasons are temporary. There was one point where it actually got exciting because we were starting to grow past the learning phase and get into a rhythm of things. Not only did the hard work pay off for our rhythmic tasks, it actually has brought us closer as a team. Now, we naturally work smoothly together. We started thinking as one, not just individuals trying to get our tasks done. We actually started looking out for each other and would get each other tools or material needed. I didn’t recognize that until recently. There’s just something about the team that I’m working with. Part of it was us sticking it out during the hard times and finding solutions together. Most of it is the hand of God on us. In the 20-25 jobs I’ve worked over the last 7 years, I’ve never seen a team work so well together. It doesn’t happen every day and it’s not always smooth but when it is, it’s like nothing else. Like I mentioned earlier, we think and move as one. That’s such a picture of the trinity of God. 3 different beings working toward the same purpose. This fires me up!!

I want to share one last story before I wrap this up and explain the big picture. Recently, we started learning how to install vinyl siding. It’s a plastic like material that’s simple to install on the side of the house. We did our first job several weeks ago and there were some challenges to it. It wasn’t as hard because we’ve been through challenges before and we (more so my supervisor/buddy/sauceman) are learning how to come up with quicker solutions because we’ve been in that learning mindset for several months now. This project wasn’t bad but the house itself was 3 stories tall. The top of it was in the range of 32-36 feet range from the ground. When I mentioned earlier about the 25 foot height being uncomfortable, this was definitely way past my range. The tallest I’ve been on a physical ladder (not total height off the ground) at this point was 17 feet. As we work our way from the bottom up installing this vinyl, I’m thinking, this is stupid! Not only do I not like heights, I don’t trust ladders. They flex too much, they move around. I like working on the ground. We don’t have earthquakes here so the ground doesn’t move! So we’re working our way up. There are 3 out of the 5 in our crew that are willing to working on the higher places. I’m one of them. I said I’m willing, but that doesn’t mean I like it. Our supervisor Trent is willing to do anything that we can’t/won’t do. He’s an awesome dude and I very much appreciate him. He worked on the very top to finish up. Before that, I was working on one side while he was on the other. I didn’t like being high up but I know that if I push past my fear (not just at work but in life), God will give me in the courage to do what I need to do. It also builds amazing confidence in yourself when you push past what is impossible. We’re climbing up and one day I was on the 23 feet mark of the ladder. That beat my record. That made me excited. The next day as we get to the tallest points before Trent had to finish it off, I made it to the 27 foot step. I felt comfort at that point. It may have been that the house would have caught the ladder if it slid to the left. Or it may have been that God was with me on top of a 27 foot height. I might be wrong but maybe our fear isn’t telling us that it’s not possible or that we can’t survive. Maybe fear is actually questioning if God is going to be with us in that moment when we push past it. Just something that came to mind as I was writing this. When I get to experience fear face to face and embrace the challenge ahead, there’s a confidence and peace that comes into my spirit. This combination of confidence and peace reminds me that when fear is ahead, there is a greater part of myself just past that. Many of you may know this but fear is something that is learned through experience and stories. But so is peace just past that. We can live in fear just hearing what’s going around us or we can actually step out in faith and walk into peace and confidence. This is exciting stuff and I am so blessed to have experienced it!

To wrap this all up, I want to remind myself and you all that even though there is amazing break through and so much good coming out of this, it’s not something that I earned or gained because of my ability. When I talked about the struggles I had as an electrician, it wasn’t easy. Even to the point where I was telling my boss several times that this kind of work is not for me. No one should tell their boss that in the middle of working for them. But I had to be real with him. Maybe I should have found another way to explain it or talk to someone else about it. I don’t know. What I do know is this: it was God’s kindness that I wasn’t fired. It was God’s kindness and mercy that my boss helped me through and didn’t lash me out.

Another thing I didn’t point out, my boss now shouldn’t have hired me. In fact, no manager should have hired me in that moment. I was lacking confidence in myself. I probably looked like a horrible candidate for the job. I found out months after I got the job that they didn’t think I was going to be the right person for the job. They didn’t think I was going to make it through the rough winter days and the difficult tasks. I would have agreed with them if I was in their shoes. I didn’t even think I was going to make it. I think they had more belief in me that I did in myself. My faith to make it through was lower than 0. I was literally taking it a step at a time to see if I was going to stand through it or fall. I say all this because every person in the world should have lost faith in me but the one person who didn’t was my Father in heaven. God. In the middle of my doubt, He was the one cheering me on. He knew I was going to make it. It was His kindness that led me day by day. It was His love that built me up. It was His mercy that helped me to press through. It was His grace that allowed me to get back up after every mistake. I realized, in the 6 months of working with Safe Haven, God was truly for me, not against me.

I mentioned in the beginning about the environment I was in as an electrician. I was alone half the time. In a way, this roofing/restoration job isn’t different. I still have the same amount of time being alone but my approach is different now. First off, I’m given so much freedom to be myself and to make mistakes and learn from them. This company has a freedom approach to be yourself whether they see it or not. What I didn’t know at the time of being hires is that that was and is exactly what I needed. It is in that freedom that I’m able express my giftings and knowledge and I am so blessed and grateful for that! Second, I recognize that I need human interaction so when I take a short break, I interact with coworkers if I haven’t been interacting with them that day. I’ll even put on some podcasts to listen to someone while I’m plugging away at a task. Or I’ll give someone a call. It all comes down to listening to Holy Spirit. He shows me where I’m at and if I need to call someone or listen to music or a podcast or even just sit and meditate. And those simple things not only put me in a healthy place, they reignite my excitement and it gives me a second wind at work. Again, the work environment itself hasn’t changed. The people are different and my approach to work is different. Those 2 factors have made all the difference in the world! 

To say this story is about me would take away the truth about who the story is really about. I’m beyond blessed and overwhelmed to be part of the story, but this is about the One and True God, the faithful God. And it’s so easy to say those things about God. People use the phrase “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” Or they’ll use other phrases that are generic. It’s one thing to say those things, it’s another thing is share HOW God is good. I don’t want to just use those phrases or sayings. I want to share the reason why I say that. You want to know the faithfulness of God? Just look back at my story.

I would love to share more about the seasons that I’m going through. God willing, I will share more in the weeks ahead. For now, I pray that you don’t just read the story as a story. I pray that you see that His faithfulness is true. I pray that you see that I’m not worthy of this because of what I’ve done but worthy because of what was done for me on the cross. I pray that you see that this journey isn’t just for me, it’s for all who believe in Jesus, the son of the faithful God. I pray that your faith would be lived out so that you can experience the amazing love that God has for you. Until the next time, I love and appreciate you all very much! Blessings!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Season of Pain and Growth

Much has happened since 2017 started. I was in a relationship that led to an engagement of 5 days when I broke it off. I can't explain the gratitude of the people who surround me with love and prayer. I wouldn't be in the healthy place that I'm in now if it weren't for them.

Since then, I have been battling health issues with dairy. It started out tolerable. But over time, it started to control my energy, focus and even my body. Before I break down this thought further, I will explain that the pain and stress of an abusive relationship can cause massive damage to the human body. I know there are people out there that have experienced it way worse. It's not just physical. Emotional, mental and spiritual abuse as individuals can mess with your health. Add those and many other areas, you get repercussions beyond explaination. You may know some of those people.

Today, specifically, I was not okay. I had M&M's at noon and started to feel worn out. I had asked my coworker to get me a burger and told him no cheese. He had forgotten about it but I still ate it anyway. Hours later I was working on bonding metal in one of the rooms at High Hopes, a marijuana shop. I dropped tons of F bombs and started yelling at the screws and bolts. I had a habit of doing that. It had been a while since I last blew up like that.

Ultimately, it's me and my anger problems. But when I have dairy of any kind, I turn into Hulk. I'm still processing why that's the case. I know that when I do have dairy, my body shuts down. It might be that I can't control my body. That my body functions aren't at 100%.

I haven't always been as disciplined as I am now. At first, I was rebellious towaed my intolerance. I was angry at God for causing this to happen to me. I'm mostly over it. I would have dairy daily. Denial and passivity were my friends. I didn't want to believe it. When I finally owned up to the fact that I was "one of those people," I began to see how much it effected me. Right before I quit, I had a month or more period that I had felt numb. Physically numb. Emotionally. Spiritually. I had lost myself. This is the effect of the stress of my last relationship. That's the short answer to a long history of abuse. If you would like the longer answer, let's have coffee!

There is a deeper, significant meaning to this whole picture that I'm not seeing completely. There is a reason that I am going through this. In fact, there are many, many reasons. One of the many blessings that I've seen is the ability to relate to my oldest sister. One of the health issues she is having is dairy. It has opened up a deeper relationship between us. One of the meanings of realtionship is to relate.

What I really wanted to share and break down is the victory that I've experienced. I haven't really mentioned God in any of this. I didn't see Him in this beginning but that doesn't mean He wasn't there. He certainly is in the victories. It's funny that what you focus on expands. When struggles come, my focus leaves. When God steps in, my focus returns.

A lesson I've been learning and am still learning is to keep my eyes on Him through the storm and the still. It is then and there that I see where He is through it all.

It has been about 2 weeks when I finally became serious about cutting dairy out of my diet. I made about 94 commitments to doing that but I finally started watching myself. Over the last 2 weeks, crazy results have been happening. My energy is getting better. My overall health is amazing. I feel different. I am able to face the battles in my life instead of focusing solely on me. I would get tired early and sleep late. Last week, I slept 7 hours without an alarm on the weekend. It was AMAZING!! I had energy in the morning and throughout the day.

Since then, I have been going through intense trials with relationships and recovery. God has overcome every single one of them. I am starting to trust God more and more and see that He is faithful. He will let me go through a trial, I give Him control and work through me. Next trial, same thing.With every battle comes the pain of growth in many forms. The last few days have been letting go of my right to pursue women. It is fun to meet strangers and get to know them to see if they are "compatible." But the Holy Spirit convicted me of that through one of my mentors. Just as Adam was put to sleep while God created Eve, so I am asking Abba to put me to sleep until the time of love is present. So ladies, I'm sorry, this single man is taken. You will have to take it up with Him if you have a problem with that. Men, read up on that story and ask Abba what you should do with that. It sucks. I hate it with all of my being because I am attracted to women and desire a wife. But moreover, He put that desire in me and therefore, knows what I need. I seriously am excited to meet and marry my wife. Until then, my calling is for and now for my God. Even when I am married. But at that time, I will have someone to share His love with on a deeper level and intimately.

With that, I will end this post and continue on with my story later! I love every single one of you and appreciate your time. Please let me know what you think. How you liked it. How you didn't like it. How much you love pizza!

You are awesome!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Season of Growing; Battery Percentage

Hello world. I am so inspired about an idea that I'm going to write and capture a video about it. I've decided to write it out to innovate more thoughts on the subject and speak it out on video to release my passion. The reason I love writing is to stop and meditate. I put deep thought behind writing and have noticed it takes longer than an impromptu video. I love capturing my thoughts on video to show my outward passion. When you read, you use your mind to understand. When you watch a video or are present during a speech, you see the conviction and passion behind their voice. You use 2 of the 5 senses. Sight and hearing tied into emotions creates an indescribable experience.

I don’t want to, in any way, come against writing. Many people would rather get away to write their convictions. It takes a good amount of thought to go deeper than the average conversation. It’s hard to stand up in front of a group to speak your convictions. But others like me would rather share convictions through speaking to a group or talking one on one with a friend or stranger. I believe that it’s important to use every sense and every tool out there to reach every person possible; that’s me. Others have different ideas than me. I love to journal, write, use speech-to-text to write, use an audio app to record my memos and podcasts, use video to show my face. There are so many tools to use in this amazing technology age.

Before I finally begin, I want to give credit where credit is due. Jesus is the reason I live and breathe. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am not writing about the thoughts from the mind that has been so freely given to me. I take no credit for my ideas.

Have you ever had the struggle of your phone dying or your car running out of gas or you not having enough food for the day? I raised my hand for every one of those. Here’s another question… Have you been on top of those at least once for a day? How awesome did that feel!?

Have you ever thought of charging your phone constantly or making sure you have more food than you need or topping off your gas every time you drive your car? I know that most people don’t do that. You see that too. For example, when I eat out, go to the library, hang out at small group, hang out with my friends, or at a gas station. I notice that everyone lacks one of those things. People plugging their phones in an outlet, eating at a restaurant because they’re hungry, or at a gas station because they need gas. Our bodies, phones and cars need attention. We are like cars and phones… We need constant attention. But our bodies and minds are way more valuable and powerful.

Some of that is gibberish, I know. Here’s what I’m getting to. Whatever walk of life you are in, you need to plug your body in. What percentage do you run on daily? Do you charge yourself just enough to get through the day? Are you dead from the start of the day? Or do you run on 100% and constantly maintain your energy and health?

Are you someone who is more concerned about your car and phone that you don’t take care of your powerful self? Or are you more focused on your body and mind?

Whatever walk in life that you come from, I challenge you to grow a little bit everyday. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Read 2 pages and listen to a 15 minute podcast on an area you want to grow in. Make that a daily habit. I’m preaching to myself when I say HAVE IT DOWN EVERY SINGLE DAY! It takes me 6-8 minutes to read 2 pages if I study the pages thoroughly. If you “don’t have the time”, you need to change something in your life. Reading 2 pages and listening to a podcast takes less than a half hour. You NEED that in your life. You deserve that time to focus on yourself. Once you have that habit down, you can read more, listen to another podcast or make time for another discipline, but FOCUS on little wins first! Create your discipline sheet right now! It’ll take you 2 minutes!

I’m blessed to be an Electrician’s Apprentice. It’s one of those many jobs that requires driving from job to job on a daily basis. It means down time in my car every few hours. That’s valuable time. Most people spend that time listening to music or the radio. For me, that’s wasting time. Music and radio are great, but it’s the same song as yesterday and radio talk stations talk about who died and what happened in politics. I’m young and believe in hearing about thriving people, not dying people.

I spend that down time listening to health experts, church sermons, personal growth strategies, and getting financial advice. I need to maintain my mind at 100%. No negativity allowed. Always growing, always learning. I have this fire for learning and I don’t want it to burn out. It starts in the morning. A decision to get better. If I’m not getting better, I’m getting worse. I want to plug in every chance I get… Otherwise, my battery gets lower and lower. My goal is to run on the highest performance possible until bedtime. That’s when I fully recharge. Thank you Lord for rest!

Find your prime time to plug in and grow. I usually listen to podcasts during the day while I journal and read after work or even sometimes during lunch. Find 2 areas that you can grow in. If that’s journaling or reading, or even painting. Spend that time growing in your passion. Once you write down your areas of discipline, comment below and tell me what they are! I fully believe in YOU! Ready, GO!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

I Confess

Lately, I've had such joy; I confess. But just like Colorado, that season can change in an instant. You create that joy by the steps that you take. Don't get me wrong, God is the creator of joy. He gives it to us. In His presence is the fullness of joy.

I have surrendered my life to Him. He promises that when anyone gives up their life, they may receive true life. But our actions have consequences. Both good and bad. Surrendering your life will in turn give you life. Keeping your life will in turn cause you to lose it. Blah blah blah. I know Michael. Stay with me. Before I tell you my story, I want you to know this: my goal is to be vulnerable and honest.

This last Friday (2 days ago), I was almost in 2 car accidents. On the first incident, I was driving down from Denver day dreaming when someone slammed on their breaks and I almost hit them as I slammed on my breaks. It wasn't just me. Many people behind me mirrored me and I imagine it was the same ahead of me. The second time, it would have been my fault; I confess. I was coming out of the Walmart parking lot and was stopped at the stoplight. My roommate at the time was right next to me and as soon as the light turned green, off we went. I confess, I am a street racer at heart. I love the adrenaline. I love speeding. I love passing aggressively. I love racing other racers. It feels good. If you feel the need to judge, please do. I'm being vulnerable and honest. The problem is that I don't see the consequences until right before they come.

We race a couple of times and just about every time, he beat me. I found out later that he had a V6 (6 cylinders) and mine was a small 2.0L 4 Cylinder engine (slower engine). The higher the cylinders, the faster the car. We were on highway 24 heading to Peyton. David was behind me and there were 2 cars ahead of me going 62 in a 65. I find the opportune moment when the street line was broken and the path was clear; except the hill. As I pass them, a car comes over the small yet non visible hill. I hit about 90 when I finally pulled into my lane after I passed the 2 cars. I didn't think about it until after I survived, but I was driving a little too dangerous. I could have hit that car that I was heading toward. I was going 90 and I could have died. Is my life worth taking over trying to prove who's a faster or efficient driver? Is it worth taking a strangers life? Those questions came to my head after the fact. Thanks self. I've noticed that because I'm still young, my brain hasn't fully developed. It's those moments that I learn to think before doing. Actions have consequences.

Before we came into Peyton, David passes me. We turn into the road near the post office and I take a back way home as he takes the normal route. I totally ignored the fact that I put myself in danger and the questions that came into my mind. We again race. This time on different roads. To make it short, I get home and we start talking about our racing moments. He hit 100 and I hit 95 on our race home. Again, those questions come in my head. I am so convicted by this time. The joy that I've been experiencing, the revelations with God, the overwhelming peace and love, the power of the Spirit working through me... All could have vanished on here. Heaven is a better place, yes. But I don't want to meet Jesus on a moment after stupidity. The friends I would leave behind. The family I would leave wondering what had happened. There is just so much I would have wanted to explain. So much I would have wanted to talk about, pray about, and experience with. Life.

I write this to save a life. I write this to be up front with my piers and mentors. I'm not hiding anything from my life. I'm exposing it. I don't know if I would consider it sin, but I wasn't valuing my life as I should. Jesus is the reason I have hope to live and to throw it away is to spit in His face. He has forgiven me for it 10 times, but I love Him and He loves me. I don't like doing things to hurt Him. I confess. My life and your life are so valuable, we don't even know.

Nothing is mine, not this life that I have
Everything I own, oh Lord is a gift
So who am I, to hold it with a firm grip
I give You my talent, I give You my time
I give You my eyes, I give You my mind

Lyrics by Flame - Tonight (All Of Me)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Season of Change - 1

I cannot tell you how excited I am to start this new blog! First, I want to give you an overview of this blog and second, write my new years story. I absolutely love Ecclesiastes 3. It's about the seasons of life and the work of man. Please go read that chapter so that you understand more about my story.

This blog is dedicated to the work of Jesus. My prayer now and will continue to be that you see and understand the work of the Holy Spirit. I was so excited to begin writing that I needed to use the restroom and spend time with the Holy Spirit to give me the words to write. You may or may not know, but when I get excited, I tend to say gibberish and speak all over the place. My prayer before writing this was that the Holy Spirit would give me the letters to type and that you, reader, would not only understand, but would see AND experience the conviction, joy, overwhelming peace, and the unconditional grace that I've experienced! Only the Holy Spirit can interpret that to you; because He is in both you and me (if you have believed and confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior). I can say all the words I want and have the best posts, but without the Holy Spirit, it would mean nothing. If I have the most knowledge when it comes to writing, but I have not love, I am nothing. But I have God and love and this blog is for Him and Him alone.

For those of you who don't know, I was in California for 4 months. September through the end of December. I felt called to move out there. It was in August when I was working with Woodmen Nissan that I was in a rough spot where my mom had been in California for many months already and I was in Colorado working full time. At this time, I was struggling with debt and making just under what my bills were demanding. I admit that I could have been better with my budget. Because of the full time hours at Nissan, I had to quit working with Vector Marketing/Cutco since I worked 9-6 and by the time I got home to eat and get a break, it was 7 or so. Not many people would want to meet for a demonstration after 7. My life was broke in many areas and the biggest was that I didn't hold on to my faith and much as I should have. I would wake up just in time to get ready and head to work and by the time I was done with work, I would eat dinner, take a shower and play video games. That was my lifestyle. Amazingly enough, Jesus knew I loved being spontaneous. I had already been planning a trip for a Cutco conference because everything about it would make a huge impact in my life. The people, networking, power personal growth messages, and the amazing hotels rooms that we would stay in.

I believe it was on a Tuesday that my mom called me. I was at work making sure the car lot was maintained and looking in good shape. I hated talking on the phone at work because I didn't want to get in trouble, but I needed to talk with my mom about what was going on. During the last few months, mother told me how great it was to spend time with her parents, yet at the same time, it was tiring and overwhelming her. Again, I was planning a trip to Texas for the conference so as she brought up the subject of the possibility of me coming out, I became fired up. At first, I said yes! After thinking for a few more seconds, I told her I would pray about it and brainstorm the idea. I had to make sure that it was what God wanted before I started packing and telling everyone. Believe me, I've had situations happen where I thought the situation was what God wanted and it fell through. There are times when we go through the motions for certain things and realize that it's not what the end goal was.

During the spring time, I was hanging out with my brother Peter consistently and I was convinced that we were doing to Texas to spread joy among our piers and thought that Peter was convinced too. When I found out he was accepted in to Young Americans in Orange County, California, I shifted my focus to going there. Young Americans is a dance school that travels around the country with all kinds of dance performances. I was super stoked for Peter. I knew that his dream was to dance around the country and eventually make it a living. Aside from the celebrating, he had to come up with a deposit in 2 weeks in order to begin the process with YA. He didn't know where the money was going to come from. Other concerns and he and I faced were finances for room and board, food, tuition, and for me, a job. We had to come up with all that in 2 months. I reaffirmed Peter that I could take out a loan for the both of us. I know it wasn't the best decision but it was considered "college" for him. The story came down to him quitting Starbucks at the time he was transferring his barista skills to Cafe Velo. I may be correct or not when I say that Starbucks paid him for the last 4 weeks in one paycheck while he was expecting pay from the last 2. That amount was just enough for the deposit with very little left over for food. He told me he didn't know how he was going to make it, but knew that God would provide. I don't want to get into too much detail because this is his story to tell. I do want to mention a few more details. One of the moms that he knew through dance had blessed him in the past with groceries and days after our conversation, this lady had blessed him with more groceries. God is GOOD! I could not explain how great I felt to see the favor of God pour over this man. To make the story short, we ended up not going to Texas or California. There are certain reasons why... You'll have to ask me. Moreover, ask Peter. He had a beautiful prize waiting for him at the end of the year.

That is why you shouldn't tell everyone when an exciting idea pops in your head. Unless, you want to explain to everyone that you didn't leave the state after you told them you were. Now, I don't know the full answer as to why we didn't go, but I am glad that God has given me the gift of optimism because when one door closes, there are always many more that will open.

This was a season of knocking on doors and finding out which ones opened. The first two doors didn't open for me. The third was San Jose, California. That door opened freely and with open arms (that is, if doors had arms).

This is the beginning of a series because there is so much to it that I don't want to leave out. It's such an amazing story to look back at and see the blessings that God had placed in my path. The next post will be about my experience going to Texas!

Thank you so much for reading! Again, I pray that you will understand and experience the emotions and be in the journey with me. I really do hope that you will see everything that God has been for me as He has been with me so that you can know Him on a deeper level and be aware of who He is.

"I'm more than you dreamed
More than you understand
Your days and your times
Were destined for our dance
I catch all your tears
Burn your name on my heart
Be still and trust my plan
I'm more than you think I am"

Danny Gokey