Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Season of Growing; Battery Percentage

Hello world. I am so inspired about an idea that I'm going to write and capture a video about it. I've decided to write it out to innovate more thoughts on the subject and speak it out on video to release my passion. The reason I love writing is to stop and meditate. I put deep thought behind writing and have noticed it takes longer than an impromptu video. I love capturing my thoughts on video to show my outward passion. When you read, you use your mind to understand. When you watch a video or are present during a speech, you see the conviction and passion behind their voice. You use 2 of the 5 senses. Sight and hearing tied into emotions creates an indescribable experience.

I don’t want to, in any way, come against writing. Many people would rather get away to write their convictions. It takes a good amount of thought to go deeper than the average conversation. It’s hard to stand up in front of a group to speak your convictions. But others like me would rather share convictions through speaking to a group or talking one on one with a friend or stranger. I believe that it’s important to use every sense and every tool out there to reach every person possible; that’s me. Others have different ideas than me. I love to journal, write, use speech-to-text to write, use an audio app to record my memos and podcasts, use video to show my face. There are so many tools to use in this amazing technology age.

Before I finally begin, I want to give credit where credit is due. Jesus is the reason I live and breathe. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am not writing about the thoughts from the mind that has been so freely given to me. I take no credit for my ideas.

Have you ever had the struggle of your phone dying or your car running out of gas or you not having enough food for the day? I raised my hand for every one of those. Here’s another question… Have you been on top of those at least once for a day? How awesome did that feel!?

Have you ever thought of charging your phone constantly or making sure you have more food than you need or topping off your gas every time you drive your car? I know that most people don’t do that. You see that too. For example, when I eat out, go to the library, hang out at small group, hang out with my friends, or at a gas station. I notice that everyone lacks one of those things. People plugging their phones in an outlet, eating at a restaurant because they’re hungry, or at a gas station because they need gas. Our bodies, phones and cars need attention. We are like cars and phones… We need constant attention. But our bodies and minds are way more valuable and powerful.

Some of that is gibberish, I know. Here’s what I’m getting to. Whatever walk of life you are in, you need to plug your body in. What percentage do you run on daily? Do you charge yourself just enough to get through the day? Are you dead from the start of the day? Or do you run on 100% and constantly maintain your energy and health?

Are you someone who is more concerned about your car and phone that you don’t take care of your powerful self? Or are you more focused on your body and mind?

Whatever walk in life that you come from, I challenge you to grow a little bit everyday. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Read 2 pages and listen to a 15 minute podcast on an area you want to grow in. Make that a daily habit. I’m preaching to myself when I say HAVE IT DOWN EVERY SINGLE DAY! It takes me 6-8 minutes to read 2 pages if I study the pages thoroughly. If you “don’t have the time”, you need to change something in your life. Reading 2 pages and listening to a podcast takes less than a half hour. You NEED that in your life. You deserve that time to focus on yourself. Once you have that habit down, you can read more, listen to another podcast or make time for another discipline, but FOCUS on little wins first! Create your discipline sheet right now! It’ll take you 2 minutes!

I’m blessed to be an Electrician’s Apprentice. It’s one of those many jobs that requires driving from job to job on a daily basis. It means down time in my car every few hours. That’s valuable time. Most people spend that time listening to music or the radio. For me, that’s wasting time. Music and radio are great, but it’s the same song as yesterday and radio talk stations talk about who died and what happened in politics. I’m young and believe in hearing about thriving people, not dying people.

I spend that down time listening to health experts, church sermons, personal growth strategies, and getting financial advice. I need to maintain my mind at 100%. No negativity allowed. Always growing, always learning. I have this fire for learning and I don’t want it to burn out. It starts in the morning. A decision to get better. If I’m not getting better, I’m getting worse. I want to plug in every chance I get… Otherwise, my battery gets lower and lower. My goal is to run on the highest performance possible until bedtime. That’s when I fully recharge. Thank you Lord for rest!

Find your prime time to plug in and grow. I usually listen to podcasts during the day while I journal and read after work or even sometimes during lunch. Find 2 areas that you can grow in. If that’s journaling or reading, or even painting. Spend that time growing in your passion. Once you write down your areas of discipline, comment below and tell me what they are! I fully believe in YOU! Ready, GO!

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